1. Which of the following physical impairments need to be reported to the Driver License Division?

2. The minimum drinking age in Utah is 18

3. Alcohol is a powerful drug

4. If an officer arrest you for drunk driving and asks you to take a test to determine your blood alcohol content you may

5. If you are convicted of, plead guilty to, or forfeit bail for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your purnishment may be

6. The law that requires you to take a chemical test for alcohol is which of the following

7. In some situation, a person may be charged with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) even if their BAC (Body Alcohol Content) is under 0.08

8. There may be times when driving 10 miles per hour is too fast for existing conditions

9. Your license will be revoked if the court finds you guilty of

10. Courtesy is the key to safe driving and safety comes before right-of-way

11. Defensive driving is defined as driving to prevent an accident in spite of unfavorable conditions and mistakes of others

12. You are safe to drive after one or two drinks, but unsafe after three drinks

13. Driving while angry, sad or depressed is not a problem or concern to safe driving

14. If another vehicle does not dim their lights

15. Marijuana does not affect your ability to drive

16. When parking next to a curb, you should park within

17. To reduce the effects of headlight glare at night, you should look

18. A jogger jogging along the roadway must

19. A driver under the age of 18 may have passengers in their vehicle when

20. Your chances of serious injury or death in an accident are much less if you are thrown from the vehicle

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